
We provide a variety of FDA-approved, high-quality injectable products that soften and smooth lines, wrinkles, and creases. Each product is uniquely formulated to have a certain texture, density, and injection depth, which means that certain fillers work better for certain areas of the face and body. During your initial consult discussing your concerns and goals, our Nurse Injector will determine and recommend what product is best for you and your desired results.


Botox Cosmetic is FDA approved to temporarily treat and diminish lines and wrinkles caused by muscle contraction (such as frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines) resulting in smoother skin. Botox delivers predictable, subtle results, so you’ll look like you, just with less noticeable facial lines. Improvement may begin within 24-48 hours and will continue for several days afterwards. Results may last 3-4 months.


Dysport is a natural-looking, fast-acting, and long-lasting injection proven to help smooth moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows. You can expect softer and smoother frown lines without changing the look or movement of the rest of your face. Improvement may begin within 24-48 hours and will continue for several days afterwards. Results may last 3-4 months.

Patient getting Dermal Fillers in Farragut & Knoxville TN at Stellar Medical Aestehtics

Dermal Fillers

Over time all of us lose collagen and facial volume, becoming more susceptible to fine lines, wrinkles, and an overall aged-appearance. Dermal fillers help restore volume, diminish creases and folds, and hydrate and plump lips. Our injectors excel in using light and shadow techniques with precision and expertise to create and enhance facial contours. Dermal filler injections are non-surgical and can typically be completed in an office visit. We offer a variety of FDA approved dermal fillers, and together we will help you decide which is best suited to achieve your desired outcome. Results are seen immediately; best results are seen 2-4 weeks after treatment and may last 6-12 months.

Hair Restoration

At Stellar Medical Aesthetics we rejuvenate the skin and hair utilizing your own growth factors. Blood is collected via a simple in office blood draw and then spun down in a specialized centrifuge to separate the platelets and plasma from other blood components.

Hair restoration injections have shown promising results for male and female pattern hair loss, both in preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. There is no downtime with hair restoration treatments and several initial sessions spaced one month apart are recommended for desired results. Noticeable differences appear within 6 months, 2-3 treatments are recommended annually to maintain results.


  • Stellar Medical Aesthetics, Knoxville TNPrior to hair restoration treatment, please wash your hair the night before or morning of your appointment. Please do not apply any hair styling products.
  • Stellar Medical Aesthetics, Knoxville TNEat a light meal before arrival.
  • Stellar Medical Aesthetics, Knoxville TNDrink plenty of water at least 7 days prior to treatment.
  • Stellar Medical Aesthetics, Knoxville TNBruising and swelling is always a possibility as is with any injectable treatment, lasting up to two weeks.